COVID-19 Policies at Mansion Royal

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Mansion Royal is extremely grateful for the ability to operate during these unprecedented times and for our amazing clients supporting our business.

In consideration for the health and safety of all our guests, we ask all event attendees to follow the following guidelines:

1. People over the age of 65 are strongly encouraged to stay at home as much as possible;

2. Masks are required when:

  • Entering/Exiting the venue
  • Ordering Drinks at the bar (no mask, no service)
  • Walking to/from restrooms
  • 6ft. Of other guests

3. Maintain at least 6 feet from other individuals not within the same household

4. Refrain from giving hugs or handshakes. Say hi from a distance or give fist bumps.

5. Wash and sanitize hands frequently.

Mansion Royal is willing and able to fulfill all events as long as the event guest count is within the regulations of Governor Abbott's Executive Order.

We will work with each client to ensure their guests feel safe in attending an event at our venue and we will continue to monitor the state and local regulations.

Mansion Ballroom Capacity - 700
Royal Ballroom Capacity - 250
Queen Banquet Room Capacity- 95

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